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Tulsa Health Department Encourages Alcohol Safety

In advance of Valentine’s Day, the Tulsa Health Department’s substance abuse prevention program and the StopDUI Task Force are encouraging residents who consume alcoholic beverages to do so safely or try a fun mocktail instead.

Early next week, THD staff and members of the StopDUI Task Force including the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office will distribute valentine cards to various establishments that sell alcohol in Tulsa County. The valentines have creative messaging to encourage alcohol safety for patrons, with important safety reminders about the dangers of drinking and driving or providing alcohol to those who are underage.

Local retail establishments that receive the valentine cards are encouraged to distribute them to patrons to help promote responsible beverage consumption and safety.

According to 2021 data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, among adults in Oklahoma who binge drink, 25% consume at least nine drinks per binge drinking occasion.

“We want to encourage Tulsa County residents not to partake in heavy alcohol consumption or binge drinking on Valentine’s Day,” said THD prevention Specialist Kandice Lawson. “It would be a tragedy to experience injury or loss due to overindulgence on a day filled with love.”

Health officials also encourage the community to think outside the bottle and explore delicious non-alcoholic mocktails as alternatives to alcohol.

The StopDUI Task Force will also join forces with the THD substance abuse prevention program to host a Valentine’s Day mocktail tutorial on Facebook Live on Friday, February 9 at 1p.m. Anyone can visit to learn tasty recipes for festive drinks from THD Prevention Specialist Kandice Lawson and the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Eric Kirby.

For more information about the Tulsa Health Department’s substance abuse prevention program, please call 918-582-9355 or visit their page on our website.

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