Restaurant Inspections and Permits​

Our professional staff conducts routine inspections at all restaurants in our community. As a service to the public, we regularly post the results of these inspections to assist consumers in being well informed as to conditions observed on the day of inspection.​

Results of Inspections

Who is My Inspector?

Inspection Information

Priority Rating

File a Complaint

Restaurant inspections are provided here so that you can be better informed about the inspection process. During inspections, food inspectors focus on assessing the degree of active managerial control that establishments have over contributing factors that directly relate to food safety concerns within retail food establishments. The five food safety concern categories are referred to as food-borne illness risk factors and they include:

  1. Food from Unsafe Sources
  2. Inadequate Cooking
  3. Improper Holding Temperatures
  4. Contaminated Equipment
  5. Poor Personal Hygiene

We hope that these inspection reports provide insight on conditions observed during the last inspection. As you review inspections, please keep in mind that the inspection reports capture only a “snapshot in time” and reflect conditions that were observed on that particular day. On any given day, establishment conditions can go from good to bad or bad to good within a matter of a few minutes.

Inspections are performed periodically to assess how well food establishments have incorporated specific actions or procedures into their operation to gain control over food-borne illness risk factors. When establishments take a preventive rather than reactive approach to food safety through a continuous system of monitoring and verification they are more likely to achieve active managerial control which ultimately minimizes, eliminates or reduces the possibility of food-borne illness risk factors occurring in their establishment.

During inspection, inspectors verify that the establishment makes immediate correction during inspection (CDI) so that consumers do not become sick or injured. Observations made on the day of the inspection, as well as information gained about the behaviors, activities and procedures that occur at other times, allow inspectors to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the food safety management system that is in place. Inspectors also inform establishments of inspectional findings both during, and at the conclusion of the inspection. They also discuss strategies for achieving compliance in the future. Follow-up activities occur within two weeks if the previous inspection failed.

Inspection violations are placed into three categories: (1) Priority items are proven measures that are directly linked to the elimination, prevention or reduction of hazards associated with foodborne illness; (2) Priority Foundation items that incorporate specific actions, equipment or procedures to control foodborne illness risk factors and (3) Core violations that relate to general sanitation & maintenance, equipment design & maintenance, and physical facilities & structures.

Food Inspection Search Options

In order to use the Quick Search tool shown below, type a Keyword then use the Filter to select from either Establishment Name, Address or Zip Code before clicking Search.

There is an option to also use the Advanced Search tool, which provides additional filter options including precision, date range, establishment class and (number of) results. The establishment class is the type of the establishment such as Bar, E3-School, Mobile Food Prep, etc.

To find additional contact information on an establishment please use other avenues.

Food Inspectors improve the health and well-being of all Tulsa County residents and visitors by reducing foodborne illnesses likelihood by working with establishments to improve food safety-related behaviors and practices.


Inspectors must have a science-based Bachelor’s degree, be registered through the Oklahoma State Department of Health and annually complete continuing education requirements to maintain their registration.

How do I find out who my inspector is?

We have a dedicated team of inspectors that work alongside their supervisors to ensure that Tulsa County needs are covered. Each supervisory team is assigned a specific geographic area or district to manage. The map below indicates the supervisor that is assigned to each district. Please call Food Protection Services at 918-595-4300  if you need to speak with an inspector.

Inspector District Map

How to use the map:

  1. Type in the food establishment address in the space provided
  2. Once the map zooms in to the address click anywhere near the address and a pop-up window will appear with the supervisor’s name.

Establishment compliance is determined by the types of violations that are observed during inspection.

15 out of 35 of these violations are called CDC risk factors because they are directly linked to food-borne illness if uncontrolled.

Failed inspections occur when an establishment demonstrates that they aren’t actively controlling risk factors inherent to food-borne illness.  Any of the following scenarios would result in a failing inspection:

  • Total of 5 or more of Violations flagged with “*” (CDC Risk Factors).
  • Total of 11 or more of Violations between 1-35.
  • Total of six or more of violations between 1-35, plus eight or more core violations 36-58.

CDC Risk Factor Violations

  • (2) Person in Charge/Demonstration on Knowledge
  • (4) Ill Workers
  • (5) Hands Clean & Washed
  • (7) Proper Hand Washing/No Barehand Contact with Ready-to-eat Foods
  • (8) Approved Sources
  • (9) Food Unadulterated/Good Condition
  • (10) Required Records
  • (11) Food Properly Separated & Protected
  • (17) Proper Cooking Temperatures
  • (18) Reheating Temperatures
  • (19) Cooling Temperatures
  • (20) Hot Holding Temperatures
  • (21) Cold Holding Temperatures
  • (23) Time as a Control
  • (24) Partial Cooking Methods

Actions Taken

Depending upon the conditions observed at the time of inspection, several enforcement actions may be taken.

Voluntary Closure

Under extreme unsafe and unsanitary conditions, the establishment operator is asked to close. Once the issue that resulted in closure is addressed, the establishment notifies THD and then reopens. The inspector follows up onsite to confirm that the conditions that resulted in closure no longer exist. Conditions that would warrant closure include:

  • Extreme unsanitary conditions.
  • Extreme pest infestation.
  • Water supply not adequate.
  • Critical pieces of food equipment not functioning properly.

Summary Suspension

When an imminent health hazard exists that cannot be corrected within a reasonable time, the Health Department immediately closes the facility. These conditions include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Sewage backup into the facility.
  • Insufficient refrigeration or hot hold storage equipment.
  • Evidence of pests in food or on food preparation surfaces.
  • Interruption of safe, potable water.
  • Food-borne disease outbreak linked to the facility.
  • Interruption of electrical service for more than 4 hours.
  • Severe structural damage.
  • Employee working with Salmonella species, Shigella species, Shigatoxin-producing E.coli 0157:H7, or Hepatitis A.
  • Other imminent hazards as determined by the Health Department.

A facility who has had their license summary suspended can submit a written request for a re-inspection within 24 hours. If the reason(s) for the suspension no longer exists, the license or permit can be immediately reinstated. If the facility does not feel that the suspension was warranted, they can also submit a written request for a hearing before the Director of the Health Department.

Revocation Notice

This notice is issued to an establishment that has had three consecutive noncompliant inspections or chronic repeat priority foundation violations. The establishment may request a hearing within 10 days before the Director of the Health Department to further discuss whether the revocation was warranted. If a hearing is not requested by the end of the 10-day period, the food establishment license is revoked and the establishment may no longer operate.

If the establishment feels there was an error made by the Director in the enforcement of the code, an appeal can be made to the Tulsa Food Advisory Council within 10 days of receiving the Director’s decision. The hearing panel will then decide to uphold the revocation, temporarily suspend the license, place the establishment on probation or take no action. If either party challenges the decision, an appeal for hearing can be submitted before the City Council.


The self-inspection document is provided establishment operators as a daily checklist tool that helps build cultural food safety habits and ultimately ensures that the establishment is proactively controlling risk factors daily.


“Reinspection Within # Days” is indicated on the inspection report when the establishment has a failing inspection and this notice reminds establishment operators that a compliance inspection will occur within the specified time period.

Follow-Up Notices

Follow-up notices are issued to establishments when there are violations that cannot be corrected during the inspection that require follow-up. Once the operator addresses the issue, the follow up notice needs to be returned to THD by the dated indicated on the notice form.

Warnings serve as a reminder that if current conditions continue to occur on subsequent inspections, citations may be issued to court.

Tickets Issued

“# Tickets issued” is reported when misdemeanor citations were issued to the establishment manager or other designee for repeat or flagrant violations. Depending on the municipality, the fine may be up to $1,200 per offense. Other penalties may be issued at the discretion of the presiding judge, for repeat offenders.

Types of Inspections

Food establishment inspections are based on the establishment priority, previous inspection results and complaints that are received from consumers.


Most inspections performed are unannounced routine inspections that occur at a frequency based on the establishment priority rating. 

  • High priority establishments receive a minimum of three routine inspections per year. 
  • Medium priority establishments receive a minimum of two inspections per year.
  • Low priority inspections receive a minimum of one inspection per year.

Follow-up (Compliance)

When an establishment has a noncompliant inspection, depending on the severity of violations observed, a documented compliance inspection takes place within two weeks following the initial failing inspection.  

New Establishment

This inspection activity designation is selected when a food establishment meets code requirements and license permits are issued so that they can open for business.


When THD receives complaints, the inspection that occurs is unannounced and typically focuses on the issue complained about. Following the onsite complaint investigation, the complaint and observed issues are discussed with management.


These inspections are usually conducted during the construction phase of food establishments or for other documented onsite investigations to ensure that previous issues are addressed. For example, THD inspectors schedule courtesy inspections with food establishment management after a failed inspection to work with them on long-term solutions for food safety issues at their establishments.  

Types of Violations
  1. Priority: food code requirements that are directly linked to the elimination, prevention or reduction of hazards associated with foodborne illness or injury. There are no other food safety provisions that more directly control hazards. Priority items include quantifiable measures that demonstrate control of hazards such as cooking, reheating, cooling, or hand washing.

  2. Priority Foundations: food code requirements that require that specific actions, equipment or procedures by food industry management are taken to achieve control of risk factors that cause food-borne illness or injury such as personnel training, infrastructure, or necessary equipment, HACCP plans, documentation or record keeping and labeling.

  3. Core: food code requirements that are not designated as a priority item or priority foundation item. Core requirements are usually related to general sanitation, operational controls, sanitation standard operating procedures (SSOPs), facilities or structures, equipment design or general maintenance.

The inspection results provided on our website are uploaded after internal review and are organized by date for your review. Presenting establishment inspection report history better reflects the overall status of the facility. Inspections are provided in chronological order with the most recent inspection first. If enforcement actions are taken at the time of inspection such as warnings or tickets, that information is also indicated on the inspection report.

High Priority—inspected minimum of three times per year

Examples include hospitals, full-service restaurants and establishments conducting processing at retail.  

  • Extensive menu and handling of raw ingredients.
  • Complex preparation including cooking, cooling, and reheating for hot holding that involves many Time-Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) foods.
  • Establishments serving a highly susceptible population or that conduct specialized processes, e.g., smoking and curing or reduced oxygen packaging for extended shelf‐life.
  • Variety of processes require hot and cold holding of TCS food.

Medium Priority—inspected minimum of twice per year

Examples include schools, retail food store operations and quick service operations.

  • Limited menu.
  • Most products are prepared/cooked and served immediately.
  • May involve hot and cold holding of TCS foods after preparation or cooking.
  • Complex preparation of TCS foods requiring cooking, cooling, and reheating for hot holding is limited to only a few TCS foods.

Low Priority—inspected minimum of once per year

Examples include most convenience store operations, hot dog carts and coffee shops.  

  • Establishments that serve or sell only pre‐packaged, non-TCS foods.
  • Establishments that heat a limited amount of only non-TCS foods for hot holding.
  • No cooling of TCS foods.

THD values your feedback and concerns. If you’ve observed potentially unsafe food practices or unhealthy conditions, follow the link below to fill out our complaint form.


We have 10 locations across Tulsa County that offer a variety of services to help you and your family stay healthy.

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