2014 Summer Cafe Program at NRHWC

The Tulsa Health Department’s North Regional Health and Wellness Center is participating in Tulsa Public School’s Summer Café Program this year. Breakfast and lunch will be provided on the dates listed below free of charge to any child age 18 and under (no documentation required). Children can also receive back-to-school immunizations during Summer Café hours (parent or guardian must be present and bring immunization record). Learn more about immunization requirements for the 2014-2015 school year here.

Breakfast is served from 8:30am to 9:30am. Lunch is served from 11am to noon.

About Summer Café 
During the school year, 84% or four out of five students in Tulsa schools rely on free or reduced price meals to receive the nutrition they need. During summer theose children often go hungry or undernourished. In 2013, The Summer Café served 66,192 breakfasts and 103,754 lunches.  This summer, the program will run June 5 – August 1. Visit www.tulsaschools.org/summercafe for more information and a complete list of locations.

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