All Tulsa Health Department locations are closed on Tues, February 18 due to inclement weather.
All Tulsa Health Department locations are closed on Tues, February 18 due to inclement weather.
TULSA, OK – [June 12, 2013] – Due to a substantial break in a main water line into Broken Arrow from Pryor, the City Manager has declared a water emergency for all resident and business customers and has issued a precautionary boil order which includes all food establishments that utilize City of Broken Arrow Municipal Water supply.
Due to the volume of water needed to safely operate a restaurant, all food establishments that serve open food must cease operations immediately until such time that the boil order has been lifted.
During a water supply emergency, including Boil Water Order/Advisories, water may serve as a source of contamination for food, equipment, utensils, and hands. Therefore in order to provide protection to consumers and employees, water shall be obtained from sources regulated by law and shall be handled, transported and dispensed in a sanitary manner.
Retail food establishments that sell packaged food may continue to sell those manufactured items; however, fountain and drink service must be discontinued.
Before reopening once the boil order has been lifted food establishments must flush their water system, discard previous ice supplies, and wash-rinse-sanitize all food contact equipment.
The Tulsa Health Department works to safeguard public health through education on safe food handling practices and the regulation of food service establishments. THD performs more than 11,000 inspections of approximately 3,500 food service establishments annually. In addition, approximately 500 food safety training classes are conducted each year to educate restaurant employees and other food employees on food safety.
For more information including technical assistance for food establishments please contact the THD Food Safety division at 918-595-4300.
View Water Emergency Operation Procedures for Food Establishments
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