TULSA, OK – [March 7, 2020] – The Public Health Laboratory at the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) has confirmed persons tested from Tulsa County are negative for COVID-19. The state’s lab began in-state testing Friday and will continue to test as specimens are received from health care providers in the state. Results from future testing will be updated at coronavirus.health.ok.gov.
Having the capability to test in state allows for enhanced response in receiving more timely test results. The turnaround time for most testing samples is 24-72 hours.
Public health officials remind Oklahomans to remain vigilant in practicing common infection control measures such as frequent hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes, and remaining home away from social gatherings and public places when they are sick. Currently, there is no sign of community spread and the risk to the general public remains low.
As Spring Break approaches, it is important for travelers to remain aware of travel advisories in countries where the virus is widespread. The CDC advises against all non-essential travel to China, South Korea, Italy and Iran. Travelers returning from these countries should self-isolate for 14 days and report any signs and symptoms to a health care provider. All cruise travel to and within Asia should be avoided.
If you have recently traveled to an area with ongoing spread and you develop a fever and symptoms of respiratory illness, such as cough or difficulty breathing, call the Tulsa Health Department 918-582-WELL (9355) or your health care provider for recommendations.
The OSDH has implemented a call center for the public to ask questions about COVID-19. The center is open until 3 p.m. Saturday and closed Sunday. Hours of operation for next week will be announced Monday. Services for those who speak Spanish are available as well. The number to the call center is 1-877-215-8336.
Common signs and symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath. Anyone who has concerns about signs or symptoms should contact their health care provider in advance before arriving at a clinic or hospital.
Updates on COVID-19, including health tips, fact sheets, case counts, and rumor control are available on the Tulsa Health Department website.
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Tulsa Health Department
Since its establishment in 1950, the Tulsa Health Department serves as the primary public health agency to more than 600,000 Tulsa County residents, including 13 municipalities and four unincorporated areas. The agency is one of two autonomous local health departments in Oklahoma, with statutory public health jurisdiction throughout Tulsa County and the City of Tulsa. THD’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of all Tulsa County residents, in order to make Tulsa County the healthiest county in the country. THD was among the first health departments in the U.S. to receive national accreditation through the Public Health Accreditation Board. For more information, please visit www.tulsa-health.org.