Tulsa Neighborwalk Leader Registration

The Tulsa Health Department is excited to assist you on the journey of starting a walking group. Walking groups benefit both individual participants and the community at large by motivating and encouraging others to walk, leading to a healthier community.

The health and success of your walking group is important to us. Walk Leaders will receive a free toolkit with helpful tips on how to start a successful walking group. THD will provide free support, posters, incentives and technical assistance to Walk Leaders.

Walk Leaders are asked to commit to:

  • Meet with your walking group at least twice a week for 12 weeks
  • Name your walking group
  • Keep a weekly attendance log and track group goals
  • Promote your walking group
  • Utilize the tools and support provided by THD
  • Collect a short pre- and post- survey from your walking group participants

Tulsa Neighborwalk Leader Registration

"*" indicates required fields

Walk Leader Name*
Walk Leader Email Address*
Is this a new or existing walking group?*
Have fun and be creative! If you don't already have a name, your group could brainstorm during your first walk together.
(For example: the track at the Tulsa Health Department at 56th St. N. & MLK Jr. Blvd.) Your walking group could be more successful if you use a location that is already part of the walkers’ routine. Maybe it is walking in your neighborhood or a path near your workplace, walking with other parents from your kid’s school or day care, or walking from a senior center, coffee shop or library.
What days will your walking group meet?
Check all that apply
What time will your walking group meet?
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the walking group toolkit, we ask that you please do the following:
  • Walk at least twice a week for 12 weeks
  • Keep a weekly attendance lo and track group goals
  • Utilize the tools and support provided by THD
  • Submit pre and post participant surveys to THD 3 months after start of walking group
  • Submit walking group leader survey to THD 3 months after start of walking group
Please sign by typing your first and last name above. By signing you acknowledge that you are participating in the walking group at your own risk. You should not participate unless you are medically able. I release and discharge the Tulsa City-County Health Department from any and all liability, claims, demands or causes of action for injuries, harm, incidents or damages arising during my participation in a walking group. I understand and agree that any child under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. I also assume any and all other risks associated with running or walking in the workouts, including but not limited to falls, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, including high heat and/or humidity and the conditions of the roads/trails, all risks being known and appreciated by me.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

We have 10 locations across Tulsa County that offer a variety of services to help you and your family stay healthy.

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