community garden

From the Ground Up is our community garden space that grows food to help build food sovereignty in the community of North Tulsa.


With the food grown in our community garden, we want to supplement our local neighbor’s health by providing access to fruits and vegetables that you can get locally.

Friends on Fridays

Community members are invited to get involved by volunteering their time in the garden where participants can get to know more about the process of growing food. Volunteer days are on Fridays.

All work is guided by our community garden specialist. Garden tasks for volunteers might include seeding and transplanting, watering and weeding, or harvesting and wash. Also learn about companion planting. No prior gardening experience required. Minors must be accompanied by an adult or guardian. 


Our goal is to share our harvest with local food banks and neighbors in the North Tulsa community. This year we are growing lots of vegetables in the Brassica family such as broccoli and its relatives, the Solanaceae family, such as tomatoes, the Cucurbitaceae family, like green and yellow squash and the Fabaceae family, which are legumes like beans.

The garden is active in all seasons and is a place that can be enjoyed and appreciated by all. If you need some food, bring your own bag, come visit and simply ask.                         

Additional Resources

Nothing is more delicious than fresh produce you’ve grown in your own backyard. With a little time and very little or no money, you can grow your own vegetables at home and it’s a fun project for the entire family. No shopping, just picking and enjoying. Growing your own garden may seem daunting, but read basic advice to get you started.

For more information about growing vegetables, contact Tulsa County’s local OSU extension office at 918-746-7300 or 918-746-7301. 


We have 10 locations across Tulsa County that offer a variety of services to help you and your family stay healthy.

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