
Explore the topics and programming the Tulsa Health Department’s School Health program offers to partnering schools.

Health education

Planned learning experiences that provide the opportunity to acquire information and the skills students need to make quality health decisions.


Health Series Overview for Skills-Based Health Education

Goal Setting: Movement & Learning

Advocacy: Bullying Prevention Campaign
To teach Advocacy (Standard 8 of the National & Oklahoma Health Education Standards), we have developed two lesson plans to help teach the skill of advocacy by using age appropriate lessons focused on kindness (PreK-2nd Grade) and bullying prevention (3rd – 5th Grade) with corresponding activities. View the synopsis and instructions for each campaign on the flyers linked below along with the necessary materials. After completing the activities, be sure to complete the linked survey to receive a classroom incentive.

Advocates for Kindness Campaign: PreK – 2nd Grade

Bullying Prevention Advocacy Campaign: 3rd – 5th Grade

Bully Buster Assembly Overview

Cooking Club – Afterschool program

Physical Education & Physical Activity

Provides cognitive content and instruction designed to develop motor skills, knowledge, and behaviors for healthy active living, physical fitness, sportsmanship, self-efficacy, and emotional intelligence.

Professional Development

The Tulsa Health Department School Health Program offers professional development opportunities for school staff that is geared toward enhancing health and physical education for elementary schools.

Topics include:

  • Introduction to School Health Program
  • Incorporating Movement and Learning
  • Skills-based Health Education
  • Human Growth and Development
  • Team Building
  • Physical Education (Variety of topics)
  • Virtual: Science Behind Movement & Learning – Action Based Learning (25 minute)

Employee Wellness

“Fostering the physical and mental health of school employees also helps to support students’ health and academic success. School staff can give their best when they feel their best.” – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021

Let School Health help your school employees reach the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity a day, maintain healthy habits and understand how you are fueling your body!  Below are a variety of wellness trackers created for your team to utilize throughout the year. Don’t forget School Health wants to celebrate your achievements. Take the Employee Wellness Survey below:

Family Engagement

The relationship between school staff and families cuts across and reinforces student health and learning in multiple settings—at home, in school, in out-of-school programs and in the community.

Booklets & Videos
  • Math & Literacy Activities
    • School Health has created Math & Literacy Activities that can be done at home. Parents and students can practice a variety of math and literacy concepts together through movement and play. Find a booklet on Math & Literacy activities HERE.  Find a Spanish version of the booklet HERE. Click the title of each game below to watch a video.
      Materials: Dice FitnessCard FitnessBean Bag Balance
  • Action Based Learning STEM Activities
    • Action Based Learning STEM activities provides students and parents the opportunity to explore six different activities that focus on movement and incorporating STEM concepts.  The activities can be adapted to assist with incorporating movement into homework. Find a booklet on ABL activities HERE. Find a Spanish version of the booklet HERE.
      Materials: Shape Cards, Fitness Cards, Picture Cards
  • Blender Bike
    • The purpose of the Blender Bike at Family Night events is to show parents what their child learned during the Blender Bike Class during the day. Students learn how many servings of dairy a day is recommended, MyPlate, reading food labels and the energy it takes to make the Blender Bike operate to make a smoothie!
    • Berry Smoothie Blender Bike Recipe

We have 10 locations across Tulsa County that offer a variety of services to help you and your family stay healthy.

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